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.:: Mugison (pronounced Moogieson) is a one-man band from Iceland. He plays abstract psychedelic melodies inter-twined with heart-wrenching lyrics and has been compared to Tom Waits, Beck, and Will Oldham. Find out what the Album Of The Year sounds like in a land that has spawned both Sigur Ros and Björk.
The style is different in each song, from almost Black Keys-ey blues-rock on the opening track to mind-unraveling spoken-word lap pop ("The Chicken Song") to plaintive, gossamer harmony ("2 Birds"). The songwriting is interesting - it's hard to say how serious it is at any particular moment, but there is a sense of humor throughout - consider the guy's girlfriend whispering with a sexy accent in "The Chicken Song": "See, the chicken is one of very few birds that never can flaaah...but even with his head chopped off, he'll still give it a hell of a traaah." On the other hand, the songs themselves are very well-made so that is an indication of him being at least partially serious.
The sound varies immensely, as I've said. Even when it's not a full band, though, it never seems bare - the guy is a great guitar player and fills the air with notes, especially on "Murr Murr," which is good except for its guitar break, which is fantastic and the only thing I remembered about the album after the first listen. Aside from the traditionally instrumented tracks, you have a trip hop feel in "The Chicken Song," a full orchestra in "Salt," an occasional piano, and many miscellaneous pieces of sound thrown in for ambience.
.:: Mugison (pronunciado en español, múguison) es un tipo talentoso islandés de la clase de los yo-toco-y-grabo-todo-lo-que-oyes-en-el-disco. Sus melodías, abstractas y psicodélicas, se mezclan con letras realmente salidas del corazón y que estremecen cada parte del cerebro... todo esto aderezado con un humor muy peculiar que se puede percibir en la música misma. A veces no sabes cuando entras o sales de una broma dentro de una canción o si la canción misma es la broma.
Ha sido comparados con figuras de la talla de Tom Waits (inclinense por favor o hagan reverencia), Beck (que buen disco The Information, ehh) o Will Oldman y no es para menos, la calidad y la frescura de su música nos hace pensar que Islandia (musicalmente hablando) no sólo es Sigur Ros o Björk.
download: mugison - mugimama! is this monkey music?
pass: indie-ground.blogspot.com
podrias subir denuevo éste de Mugison??.. por favor!
can`t zip it. pass seems not to work, can you help, please?
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