owen - at home with owen

||| AWESOME !!! |||

.:: On At Home With Owen, Chicago's Mike Kinsella (Cap'n Jazz, Joan of Arc, American Football, Owls), the sole creative output behind Owen, figuratively leaves the at-home bedroom that has characterized so much of Owen's past musical output. Along the way, he finds true love, gains (and then loses) some weight, subscribes to cable television and endures the death of a parent. And then he writes a new record about the process, detailing the many transformations in his life.

From an artist whom has, in the past, recorded entire albums in his childhood bedroom berating lost love and personal missteps, it's a new chapter. The end result is At Home With Owen, a new extension in the lineage of Owen’s music. And being at home with one's self never sounded so freeing.

.:: In the past decade, Chicago's Mike Kinsella has played a variety of instruments in a handful of bands including Cap'n Jazz, Joan of Arc, The One Up Downstairs, American Football, Owls, Maritime, and Aloha. Owen is his solo project.

The impetus for Owen was a direct result of the demise of American Football. Up to that point, having been associated with a number of bands, Mike sought a project where he could have complete creative control over all aspects including songwriting, recording, album artwork, and overall artistic direction.

When it came time to record his solo album, Mike approached Polyvinyl with the idea to take the money that normally would be spent on a recording studio and instead spend it on software so he could record the album on his own. He ended up heading to his mother's house in Chicago and turned his old bedroom into a recording studio. Wishing to avoid the connotations associated with solo singer-songwriters, Mike began recording under the pseudonym, 'Owen.'

download: owen - at home with owen

pass: indie-ground.blogspot.com


Anonymous said...

I love this album!!!
Do you have any others?
If not do you know where can I get them?

[.bellflower.] said...

thank you for this:)

Anonymous said...

Yea, does anyone have his other albums up?

StormWarior said...

this one is dead too :( dammit, I'm so late...

indieground said...

i've been checking this link and you could get this album from filefront just to mention one host.

thanx stormwarrior

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