zloty dawai - teleopsis belzebuth

.:: 5 cologne-based improv-musicians try to do the impossible: to let go..! To forget about their 60's to 90's influences as the independent music-addicts they were and try to do their own sound.

Someone said "Modern Free-Jazz".
Someone said "Soundtrack-Scores".

Fact is: It's totally improvised, uncensored, no overdubs. It's done directly on CD. So go ahead and just blow your cool!

Zloty Dawai's debut "Jazz Nazis Must Die" was self-distributed.

Zloty Dawai's new CD "Teleopsis Belzebuth" containing 32 minutes of intense music is well taken care of at WM Recordings!

download: zloty dawai - teleopsis belzebuth

pass: indie-ground.blogspot.com


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