tertium auris - vox stridens

.:: Recorded, arrenged and created by a pianist and choir-orchestra conductor, Voz Stridens is a sound experiment based on vocal sounds with no other instrument. You may think "ok, this is going to be/sound like opera or something". Well my dear friends i'm glad to tell you that you're wrong.

According to artists's own words:
I think the voice is the most powerful instrument since it is inside of us own, mirror of ourselves.
I think that at a production level the vocal sound is the most direct from our thoughts.
We can gain control of our own tool.
We can understand the difference between hear and listen.
We can unify the two.
In my personal idea of sonorous space the irrevocable decision to give my electroacoustic compositions only human voice audio samples became increasingly convincing to me.

To achieve this release, I used predominantly personal voice sounds, made using overtone singing technique, sometimes vocal sounds of my wife Elizabeth (she is an opera singer, her voice is on "Cyclus"), of a little girl with brain disease (on "Vox Mentis"), of a dolphin and a whale (on "Vox Mentis"). Any other instrument was not used.

It it important to know that no compressor or limiter tool was used in the post-editing phase. Each song is based on one to three sample at most, each of which was analyzed and then digitally processed. All derived from the original takes, and stacked in multitrack.

download: tertium auris - vox stridens

pass: indie-ground.blogspot.com


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