
indieground isn't dead

For those of you who have checked back a few times, fear not, indieground isn't dead, just been busy with a few other things, work, recording some bands, working on my own company, and a looong etcetera.

Thanx for asking and keep checking... I promise I'll post new material soon.


mr.A said...

Good to see it is not dead, hope you got more time soon.

theodosia said...

get yr time, do it best like always.
then when u come back, be back.

kkenny23 said...

... Is is finaly dead? I loved your blog, which was one of the best to find cool and unusual music. I hope it will come back one of these days. Thanks anyway ;)
(and sorry for my english but I am French... :))

Anonymous said...

Hope to see you back and posting soon

Tony Dinosaur said...

This is like the only site i would really sorry if someday gets closed. I really think you post wonderful, amazing and unknown material that it would be almost impossible to get but here.
Thank you very much for what you do

Anonymous said...

It was rather interesting for me to read the post. Thanks for it. I like such themes and everything that is connected to this matter. I would like to read more on that blog soon.

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