
call it: hiatus, coma, hibernation... it's over, indiegroud is back !!!

ok, it'd be a long long story to tell and maybe I will tell it later but for now what really matters today is that indieground is back.
after months and months of no activity in this blog many things have changed, first of all: blogs aren't the coolest thing on web (as I used to think some time ago) and maybe many people don't follow them. now we have facebook (I hate it), twitter (I dont hate nor love it), the new myspace (I still think it sucks) and all this social network hysteria...

anyway, for those who still look for good music and want to explore and feed their ears with new (maybe strange) dishes, indieground -once again- is back !!!


p.w. said...


glad to know you're back!

whether blogs are the coolest thing on the web or not, i think they are one of the best ways to discover new music, especially with mp3 blogs.

looking forward to your future posts.

indieground said...

hey p.w.,

i agree, i've discovered so many many bands, artists and new sounds thank to blogs.

i'm glad you sent your comments, it reminded me how cool was to post an album and get some feedback.
thanx for reading, keep in touch.


maxfuller said...


I'm digging your posts, come check out The Music Box at's a relatively new underground/indie hip/hop & rock blog.

we'd love to link you on our blog and we'd be very grateful if you considered doing the same



kenny l'français said...

I had no hope to se my favourite music blog back and... Hallelujah!!! :)
This is a sunshine in my cloudy day
Thanks you,
I hope you'll keep posting amazing music ;)

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