.:: The first indieground posted album ever was Tom Waits' Closing Time so I think it is a good choice to post, in this reborn time, one of my favorites Mr. Waits albums... I know, there's no review as I used to do some time ago. Well you have to understand, my last state of inactivity caused my metabolic-writing system failed but I promise it will get stronger... so here it is
download: tom waits - mule variations
Que bueno el viejo de Waits. Muy buena elección la de este disco. Os dejo link de mi nuevo blog Discos Pensados, antes Pensando discos (mas de 400 criticas de discos)
You got great points there, that's why I always love checking out your blog.
My blog:
meilleur taux puis organisme de rachat de credit
I'm new to your blog but saw you said you had some good Mexican Folk and I wanted to inquire as to what it was?
Paul, I've got many mexican folk records, from the most delicate (e.g. lila downs) to the raw and real (oaxaca's typical bands).
so you tell me what do you want me to upload.
Any of that sounds excellent. I'm looking to build my vinyl collection as well so it'll be good to hear some first, but I'd also take recommendations. Do you sell any?
no, I dont sell records. sorry
I'll post some of them in the next days, ok
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